charred knowledge

The price of college textbooks (compared to their actual value) pisses me off so much that it makes me indulge in my pyromaniac side. Seriously. This was my biology book. Completely worthless after only a single semester of use. So I torched it.


Anonymous said...

I love that photograph!

K. said...

Why thank you! I loved torching that book to make it.

(Hey! I remember you! Ally's brother, no? You found me!)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you torched it. Wouldn't your bookstore buy it back? I can't tell you how many nights of staggering, drunken debauchery I funded from selling back textbooks I made my deadbeat father buy for me :D

Yep. C'est moi.

K. said...

No, the bookstore wouldn't. They change editions so fast that they are only good for one or two semesters, then they are completely worthless. Plus, that school ordered custom cut-down books to "save students money" but then they were only good for that one school.

Most of my books ended up being worth $5 or less. So I torched them.

Fucking pigs.

(You can't buy very much vodka with $5 or I'd have done the same.)